Environmental Justice means protecting Indigenous ways of life, supporting food sovereignty, and supporting all communities right to healthy water, lands, air, and future generations. Our Environmental Justice program supports local community power for the long-term protection and healing of communities. We center the rights of Indigenous peoples and the rights of Mother Earth.
Need Support?
Environmental Justice means protecting Indigenous ways of life, supporting food sovereignty, and supporting all communities' rights to healthy water, lands, air, and future generations. Our Environmental Justice program supports local community power for the long-term protection and healing of communities. We center the rights of Indigenous peoples and the rights of Mother Earth.
The Environmental and Climate Justice program at Native Movement responds directly to the needs and requests of Alaska Native communities who are fighting for the values listed above. If you are interested in seeking Native Movement’s support for work you are doing in your community, please complete the form below and a Native Movement staff person will be in touch.
Gath and Kʻiyh
From May to September 2023, a cohort of climate justice advocates, university students, and concerned Alaskans gathered together on the lands of Lower Tanana Dene in Fairbanks, Alaska to learn about the climate crisis from our King Salmon and Birch relatives in three place-based workshops. The goal was “Listen to Heal”: slow down and navigate their grief for the climate crisis through the arts.
2022 Hide Tanning Camp
In September 2022 we held our first training for trainers Hide Tanning Camp. This was a two-week intensive that not only worked the muscles, it shaped healing pathways and community connections.
Native Movement is a proud partner within the Alaska Just Transition Collective, a growing collective of Alaska based organizations with a spectrum of focuses working to support Alaska along a path toward a post-oil economy, an Indigenized Regenerative Economy.
In the summer of 2017 we hosted a community solar build and together we built a mobile solar unit to power community events and our office. Thanks to our partners at Native Renewables and the Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition!
Just Transition means a fair and equitable shift to an Indigenized Regenerative Economy — an economy that is in alignment with what the earth can regenerate and that ensures equity, dignity and justice for all.
We are in a time of unprecedented change — How do we navigate this change and the many contradictions we encounter? How do we steady our footing in Justice, Liberation, and Healing?
We made a coloring book and journal for you to take some time to reflect and meditate on shaping change; to steady your hands as we build from a place of dignity and empowerment in these unknown times. Download it for FREE HERE
Remembering Forward: Alaska Just Transition Coloring Book and Journal.
Download Movement Generation’s Just Transition Zine. This is a great booklet outlining the history and a framework for visioning our work and movement forward.
Just Transition Framework visual, another Movement Generation resource.
The Indigenous Environmental Network outlines Just Transition and offers resources.