Stand Up for Principle, Stand Down on Barrett

URGENT: Senators Dan Sullivan & Lisa Murkwoski

The United States Senate will vote this coming Monday on the rushed confirmation of President Trump's nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, to the Supreme Court. Alaska Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski must stand for principle, and with their constituents of Alaska. They must vote no on this confirmation. Four years ago, Sen. Sullivan spoke against President Obama’s nomination of Judge Merrick Garland: “The decision to withhold advancement of Mr. Garland’s nomination isn’t about the individual, it’s about the principle. Alaskans, like all Americans, are in the midst of an important national election. The next Supreme Court justice could fundamentally change the direction of the Court for years to come. Alaskans deserve to have a voice in that direction through their vote, and we will ensure that they have one.”

Senator Murkowski stated only a few weeks ago that she would not would not support a confirmation vote to fill the current Supreme Court vacancy before the November 3rd election.

Senator Sullivan should join Senator Murkowski to oppose this rushed Supreme Court confirmation before the election. Alaskans need our Senators to stand by their word and principles: vote No on confirming Judge Barrett to the United States Supreme Court.

In the midst of the third-spike of the global Pandemic of Covid-19, now is not the time to be deliberating on this nomination, while the people of Alaska are calling for relief. Covid is increasing the impacts on Alaskans health and our health care systems. Our labor force and job security is stressed. And Alaskan families are struggling with homeschool and childcare needs. Add to this the fact that we are in the middle of a critical election season. Senator Sullivan and Senator Murkwoski must honor their own past promises and oppose the rushed process to confirm a new Supreme Court judge.

What does it mean for you? Judges nominated to the Supreme Court serve for the remainder of their lives, therefore their appointments must be a deliberate and fair process that guarantees the best interests of the people. The decisions of the supreme court impact the the most critical issues of our time including the mechanics of our democracy, our responses to climate change, and legal amendments for LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and so much more.

Check out these recent Op-Eds for more:

Sullivan should stand up for principal, stand down on Barrett Nomination. 
Written by Native Peoples Action board member Heather Kendall-Miller.

With our futures on the line, Supreme Court nomination process must not be rushed.
Co-authored by Native Movement Executive Director Enei Begaye, Native Peoples Action Executive Director Kendra Kloster, The Alaska Center executive director Polly Carr, Natalie Dawson, Jessica Girard, Meredith Trainor and Pamela Miller.

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