Thank You, Protectors

We begin today with gratitude. Thankfulness for each and every one of you ,and your communities, that have stood together for justice with your actions, your words, and your votes; delivering this movement moment for our future generations. Today we witness an historic shift.

This new administration is bringing grassroots and Indigenous leadership into the ranks of national leadership and elevating immediate changes across the political landscape. Alongside our first woman as Vice President, Kamala Harris, President Joe Biden took office, saying he would get right to work on “tackling the crises we face.” Among his first official acts, Biden has issued executive orders rescinding the Keystone XL pipeline permits and putting a moratorium on drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, both green-lighted by Trump.

“The Gwich’in Nation is grateful to the President for his commitment to protecting sacred lands and the Gwich’in way of life,” Bernadette Demientieff, executive director of the Gwich’in Steering Committee, said in a statement. “We have fought so hard to protect these lands and the Porcupine caribou herd, trusting the guidance of our ancestors and elders, and the allyship of people around the world.”

In addition to the relief of these initial executive orders, we are so proud to share and celebrate, that Native Movement board member, renewable energy champion, and long time grassroots leader, Wahleah Johns (Diné), was sworn into office today as the new Director of Indian Energy within the Department of Energy.

This is truly a historic time and we look forward to working with this administration for the Just Transition we have all envisioned -- building healthy and sustainable communities for ALL. It should go without saying, but be sure, that our work continues at the pace of our narratives for justice. We are celebrating, and there is work still to be done. #justtransition #JustTransitionAK #BidenHarrisAdministration


Confirm Deb Haaland for Secretary of Interior


Our Response to the Capitol Violence