Urgent Action to Protect The Arctic
Ask your Senators to Vote “NO”
on the Murkowski Ammendment
Congress has a chance to act this week to protect the Arctic Refuge by using the budget reconciliation process to call for buying back Refuge oil and gas leases. Unsurprisingly, Senator Lisa Murkowksi, who put the Refuge in harm’s way in the first place by sneaking coastal plain oil and gas leases into the Tax Act four years ago, introduced an amendment removing the critical buy-back provision – ONE DAY after the International Panel on Climate Change report called for governments to end all new fossil fuel exploration and production. (Thanks to our friends at Northern Center for this Action Alert)
And this is where you come in. The Senate will vote on the Murkowski amendment in the coming days, and senators need to hear from their constituents. You may choose to share your story and values connecting you to the Arctic Refuge, or to keep your message short and simple. Either way, be very clear you are asking for a “No” vote on the Murkowski amendment.
photo by Emily Sullivan