Nuclear Energy is a False Solution

Too Dirty. Too Dangerous. Too Expensive. Tell your legislators to vote NO on SB 177/HB 299, the micro nuclear reactors bill that would make it easier to bring costly, dangerous nuclear energy to Alaska.

On Monday, March 21, at 3 pm the Senate Resources Committee is holding a hearing on SB 177. This bill, which was introduced by Governor Dunleavy, encourages nuclear energy development in Alaska by eliminating the current statutory requirement that the legislature be involved in designating land for nuclear energy sites. 

  • The entire nuclear fuel chain is dirty.

    • Uranium mining produces radioactive waste that causes cancer and other diseases, and a disproportionate number of mines in the US have been on Indigenous lands.

    • Uranium enrichment plants have a long history of leaks and spills and are located predominantly in Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) communities.

  • Nuclear energy is dangerous, with spills and leaks of radioactive materials causing significant contamination and pollution.

  • Nuclear energy is more expensive than many renewables, and development is slow.

  • Hazardous nuclear waste must be stored in perpetuity, burdening future generations with the risk and responsibility of storing it.

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