PRIDE Month is Here!

Pride month honors the work towards liberation of LGBTQS2+ individuals, advocates, and allies in our communities in the US and across the world. Pride month is celebrated with parades, marches, concerts, parties, and much more with the Pride flag displayed throughout the month. In 1999, to commemorate the Stonewall Uprising on June 28, 1969 in Manhattan President Bill Clinton declared June “Gay & Lesbian Pride Month”.

Learn more about the revolutionary context and story of this month of celebration with Learning for Justice, Here.

Join us for our series of #PRIDE Events starting this week! More details of later events TBA:

Queer Masculinities - Virtual Mxns/Mens Gathering
Join Native Movement for our online Mens/Mxns Gathering June 2, 2022 • We welcome anyone self-identifying masculine, men, mxn, and/or queer folx to join the conversation! This gathering is proactive and shaped by those who participate- so please join in! Join Zoom Meeting

Third Annual Diversity in the OUTdoors!
JUN 6 AT 8 AM – JUN 13 AT 11:45 PM
Native Movement is proud to host Diversity in the OUTdoors! We celebrate PRIDE month by inviting LGBTQS2+ folx and allies to enjoy the OUTdoors. This week, submit your video or picture here to share your adventures! We work to close the adventure gap; the notion that there are certain barriers to the outdoors; whether racially, financially, or gender-based which applies both professionally and recreationally.


Oil and Gas Companies Exit from Arctic Refuge Leases


Call on EPA to finalize Permanent Protections for Bristol Bay