Native Movement Blog
Call on EPA to finalize Permanent Protections for Bristol Bay
The EPA has released their proposed determination for permanent protections in Bristol Bay which kicks off a 30-day public comment period. Please take a moment to submit your comment and share with your community!
"For too long, Pebble has been an ever-present threat in Bristol Bay. Future generations should not have to live with the threat of mining that would devastate our cultures, communities, and sustainable economy. Native Movement joins the United Tribes of Bristol Bay in asking the EPA to use its Clean Water Act authority this year to ensure that Bristol Bay's pristine lands and waters are protected forever.
The majority of Alaskans support EPA action to end the threat of Pebble and want to see Bristol Bay protected for good. It is time for the EPA to expedite the 404(c) process and finalize protections this year. The 404(c) protections should prevent Pebble, and other potential large mining operations like it, from storing or disposing of mining waste at the headwaters of our fishery. The EPA’s action must protect several critical sub watersheds: the North Fork Koktuli, South Fork Koktuli and Upper Talarik Creek, all of which support the productivity of Bristol Bay's wild salmon and are under threat from Pebble and large-scale mines like it.