October 6th: Alaska Voter Registration Deadline
October 21st: Early Voting Starts
November 5th: Election Day
“To me, my vote is the first line of defense
in protecting our ways of life”
— Princess Johnson, Native Movement Board of Director
Not sure if you’re registered to vote? Find more information on registering at https://myvoterinformation.alaska.gov/
Many people are automatically registered to vote from filling out the PFD.
It takes less than 2 minutes to register. Visit here to register online: https://voterregistration.alaska.gov/
Knowing who you are voting for ensures your values are aligned. Do your own research on the candidates to build your own opinion. Look toward values aligned organizations you trust to follow who they endorse. Talk with your family, friends and community and remember our voice matters!
General Official Election Pamphlets (OEP) include all the information you need about voting such as any ballot measures appearing on the ballot (we have 2 ballot measures this year!), how to vote, voting locations, absentee voting, voter rights, and sample ballots by House District. The OEP also collects biographical information prepared by candidates who elected to participate, and can also be found in multiple languages, see here
Region 1 (Southeast, Kodiak, Prince William Sound, Southern Kenai Peninsula)
Region 3 (Interior and Fairbanks)
Region 4 (Northern, Western, Southwest, Aleutian Chain)
Region 5 (Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Denali, Northern Kenai Peninsula, Valdez)
US President / Vice President
US House Representative
State Senator
State House Representative
Ballot Measure 1
Ballot Measure 2
Judicial Retention Candidates; Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Third Judicial District
You can also visit the candidates page at https://www.elections.alaska.gov/candidates/
To learn about retention of judges, visit the Alaska Judicial Council page: https://www.ajc.state.ak.us/retention/current.html.
Ballot Measures (Details in the Official Election Pamphlets)
1. An Act Increasing the Minimum Wage, Requiring Paid Sick Leave, and Prohibiting Mandatory Meetings about Religious or Political Issues
2. An Act Restoring Political Party Primaries and Single-Choice General Elections
Region 2 (Municipality of Anchorage • Whittier)
Will you vote on or before Election Day? This is a critical step because knowing the dates, locations,
and times ensures you have time to vote in person or, if needed, to prepare your absentee ballot in
case you are out of town that day.
Voting on Election Day:
○ If you don’t know where your polling location is visit https://myvoterinformation.alaska.gov/
○ Polling Places are open from 7:00am to 8:00pm on November 5th, 2024.
Voter ID Card
Current and valid photo ID Card
Birth Certificate
Driver’s License
Hunting or Fishing License
State ID Card
Military ID Card
Alternatively, you may use an original copy of one of the following documents if it
contains your name and current address:
● Current Utility Bill
● Bank Statement
● Other Government Document
● Government Check
● Paycheck
Absentee In-Person Voting:
○ Absentee In-Person voting requires you to complete an envelope with your voted ballot and drop the envelope in a ballot box. These ballots are not scanned at the voting location and are instead reviewed by the Absentee Review Board to make sure you are eligible and that you have not already voted.
Absentee Ballot Options:
Here are in-depth instructions on how to apply, receive, vote, and return your absentee ballot. There are even tutorial videos provided. https://www.elections.alaska.gov/voter-information/absentee-and-early-voting/
Absentee Voting Online-Delivery: Apply online and fill out your ballot in an online system. Once completed, follow the prompts and print and complete the verification steps, then mail or fax your papers to
submit your ballot.
Absentee Voting By Mail: To apply, fill out the PDF application on your computer or print and fill out manually, then send via email, mail, fax, or call.
Absentee Ballot REMINDERS:
○ You cannot email your ballot, you must return your Absentee Ballot by Mail or by Fax
○ Your ballot must be Postmarked by a post office worker on or before Election Day.
○ Your ballot must be sent and received no later than 8pm on Election Day.
Get Out & Vote!
Wear the message! Want some GOTV Swag for your community? Complete this form to have us send you a package with Vote Our Values GOTV swag (designed by Holly Nordlum)! We have tshirts in sizes S-5XL in 3 different colors, Teal, Soft Grey, and Sky Blue, as well as snapback trucker hats and playings cards (for snerts!)
We invite people to take a picture in their free shirt and tag Native Movement on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtags #VoteOurValues and #DefendTheSacred
Cultural Week of Action on Race and Democracy
GOTV Art Submissions!

"Our Vote Makes a Difference" by Mariza Aparicio-Tovar

"Voting for the Future" by Emory Banker / Salt Chuck Art

"Vote On Your Values" by: William Kozloff

Make Your Ancestor Proud. Alaska, Vote" by Tava Maliaaq Kairaiuak

" Kiita! Naligaagiaqsaqtusi Aŋalatchiriksrapsignik November 5, 2024" by: Alaina Kupaaq Bankston

"Vote For Our Future. Honor Our Past" by: Courtney Tatellgaq Rose Griechen

"We The People" by Zaniyah Chestnut

"VOTE to Protect Our Way Of Life" by: Essie Bean

"Community Collaboration is our tradition. Organize & Vote Our Values" by: Iñuraaq Evans

"Who Are Born Into Who We Are, We Cannot Change it. So We Must Grow With It. Vote for Our Voices" by: Vydell Baker